3,210 research outputs found

    Estudo do Conversor DAB para Aplicação em Nanorredes de Energia

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Elétrica.Nanorredes são sistemas autônomos de energia em corrente continua conectando digitalmente consumidores entre si, além de sistemas de geração distribuída e elementos de armazenamento de energia dentro de prédios. Estes sistemas são pequenos, modulares e permitem uma rede de distribuição de energia mais flexível. Conversores chaveados são componentes essenciais para o funcionamento deste tipo de sistema, por permitirem o controle do fluxo de energia entre o sistema de armazenamento de energia e cargas consumidoras. Assim, este projeto tem como objetivo a implementação de um conversor cc-cc que permita o carregamento de um banco de baterias de chumbo-ácido

    Retrofit module design guide : part D : prefabricated metal panel retrofit modules

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    International Energy Agency The International Energy Agency (IEA) was established in 1974 within the framework of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to implement an international energy programme. A basic aim of the IEA is to foster co-operation among the twenty-eight IEA participating countries and to increase energy security through energy conservation, development of alternative energy sources and energy research, development and demonstration (RD&D). Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems The IEA co-ordinates research and development in a number of areas related to energy. The mission of one of those areas, the ECBCS - Energy Conservation for Building and Community Systems Programme, is to develop and facilitate the integration of technologies and processes for energy efficiency and conservation into healthy, low emission, and sustainable buildings and communities, through innovation and research. The research and development strategies of the ECBCS Programme are derived from research drivers, national programmes within IEA countries, and the IEA Future Building Forum Think Tank Workshop, held in March 2007. The R&D strategies represent a collective input of the Executive Committee members to exploit technological opportunities to save energy in the buildings sector, and to remove technical obstacles to market penetration of new energy conservation technologies. The R&D strategies apply to residential, commercial, office buildings and community systems, and will impact the building industry in three focus areas of R&D activities: Dissemination Decision-making Building products and systemsIEA - International Energy Agency ECBCS - Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Annex 50 – Prefabricated Systems for Low Energy Renovation of Residential Building

    Criação de um jogo sério para promover a empatia em crianças no contexto de uma intervenção de aprendizagem sócio-emocional

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    Baseado nos princípios teóricos da empatia, da aprendizagem sócio-emocional e da criação de jogos sérios, esta dissertação propõe-se a desenvolver e testar “O Jogo da Empatia”, para integrar o projeto Be Emotional-Techie. Para informar o processo de desenho, criação e teste do jogo foram realizados dois estudos exploratórios. O estudo 1, com 72 participantes com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 10 anos identificou as quatro emoções mais reportadas: alegria (52.5%), tristeza (23.7%), raiva (15.1%) e medo (8.6%). Através de análise de conteúdo foram identificadas diversos gatilhos emocionais, práticas e estratégias de regulação emocional, reações emocionais desadaptadas e as preferências de jogos das crianças. O estudo 2 incluiu o desenvolvimento de um protótipo com base nas categorias identificadas no estudo 1 e um teste de usabilidade com 10 crianças, de 9 anos de idade, a frequentar o 4ª ano de escolaridade. Os resultados demonstram que o jogo cumpre os objetivos de promover o reconhecimento emocional, a perspetiva do outro e a preocupação empática na escolha das respostas dos jogadores, onde 100% dos jogadores avaliaram positivamente o jogo e a experiência. Conclui-se que esta dissertação contribui para um estudo mais aprofundado da utilização da tecnologia ao serviço da aprendizagem socioemocional e, especificamente, da empatia.Based on the theoretical principles of empathy, social-emotional learning and serious game-making, this dissertation sets out to develop and test 'The Empathy Game', to be part of the Be Emotional-Techie project. To inform the process of designing, creating and testing the game two exploratory studies were conducted. Study 1, with 72 participants aged 9-10 years identified the four most reported emotions: joy (52.5%), sadness (23.7%), anger (15.1%) and fear (8.6%). Through content analysis several emotional triggers, emotion regulation practices and strategies, maladaptive emotional reactions and children's play preferences were identified. Study 2 included the development of a prototype based on the categories identified in study 1 and a usability test with 10 children, aged 9 years old, attending the 4th grade. The results show that the game meets the objectives of promoting emotional recognition, the other's perspective and empathic concern in the players' choice of answers, where 100% of the players evaluated the game and the experience positively. We conclude that this dissertation contributes to a more in-depth study of the use of technology in the service of social and emotional learning and, specifically, empathy


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    Relatório final do estágio profissionalizante do 6.º an


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    We implement a stated preferences choice game and estimate a conditional logit model to learn the determinants of airline choice and to quantify consumers\u27 willingness to pay for airline services attributes such as flight frequency, punctuality warranties and comfort in the Portuguese air corridor between Madeira and Oporto; the third and second most important Portuguese airports, respectively. We show that our stated preferences discrete choice model exercise is a cost effective way for airline marketing managers to elicit consumer preferences and willingness to pay measures which are quite valuable to make airline operations more effective

    Sustainable test cell : performance evaluation

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    Energy is one of the main causes of the environmental pollution. In the European Union, buildings are responsible for 40% of the final energy demand and 1/3 of the emissions of greenhouse gases. Therefore, in order to promote the energy consumption reduction, it is fundamental to employ sustainable development principles in the construction sector. In order to demonstrate and show the potentialities of Sustainable building technologies two Test Cells were built. Comparing the solutions obtained via “in-situ” measurements and energy simulation tools, it was verified that the new Sustainable solution has a better energetic and environmental performance.(undefined

    Módulo inovador para a reabilitação energética

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    A reabilitação energética dos edifícios é uma área com crescente importância para o setor da construção Portuguesa. Tal deve-se a uma conjugação de diversos fatores, desde o estado de degradação e fraco desempenho energético dos mesmos, até à drástica redução do índice de construção nova. Como tal, de modo a adequar o parque habitacional existente às novas necessidades, mas também às mais recentes exigências por parte dos moradores, são fundamentais extensas intervenções de reabilitação no parque habitacional, procurando dotar o mesmo de uma maior eficiência energética, possibilitando assim garantir o conforto térmico dos ocupantes sem um gasto energético excessivo. No entanto, é necessário desenvolver novas soluções de reabilitação para introdução no mercado, as quais devem ser projetadas, não só para aumentar o desempenho térmico da envolvente mas também possuir maior viabilidade económica, serem fáceis de aplicar, garantirem menores tempos de aplicação, assegurarem um controlo de qualidade na sua execução e mostrarem algumas preocupações ambientais na seleção dos materiais. Com estes objetivos em perspetiva, o Laboratório de Física e Tecnologia das Construção da Universidade do Minho desenvolveu uma solução de reabilitação prefabricada para aplicação em fachadas de edifícios existentes otimizada em termos da relação custo / benefício

    In-situ and laboratory airtightness tests of structural insulated panels (SIPs) assemblies

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    One of the main factors influencing building airtightness is the construction typology. As building environmental performance requirements raise so does the prevalence of less conventional envelope construction systems as modular structural insulated panels (SIPs) buildings. In this paper, the airtightness performance of a constructive solution based on SIPs was evaluated. Airtightness tests were performed on the laboratory according to the EN 12114-2000 methodology. One complete exterior wall assembly and another one with the inclusion of a window were tested to determine their performance as an effective air barrier. The impact of the window framing in the overall resistance to air leakage was also determined. Additionally, the airtightness of a dwelling using these SIPs was measured during the construction phase and after commissioning. The objective was not only the assessment of the ACH50 difference between the two stages, but also the comparison with  previously tested conventional envelopes on the same climate. Laboratory and field test data resulted in mismatching values. Workmanship and unforeseen leakage paths were found to be the main contributors to these findings. Moreover, the case study displayed a superior airtightness performance when compared to heavy type construction solutions, common amongst the Portuguese building stock. Additional work is needed to identify and quantify envelope airpaths in order to properly design lightweight buildings solutions. FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, the funding of the Doctoral Grant PD/BD/135162/2017, through the Doctoral Programme EcoCoRe. This paper is a result of the project “H0ME ZERO”, with the reference POCI -01-0247-FEDER-017840, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement HOME This work was financially supported by : Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007457 -CONSTRUCT -Institute of R&D In Structures and Construction funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE 2020 -Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização POCI – and by national funds through - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Research on the Portuguese building stock and its impacts on energy consumption – an average u-value approach

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    The article aims to evaluate the Portuguese building stock energy policies and strategy for energy saving in buildings among the EU members. It was found out the average heat transfer coefficients of the main structural elements of Portuguese Buildings and analyzed the U-values of this elements considering different time periods. The fundamentals of this study were funded by the Agency for Development and Innovation (ADI) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors (POFC) assigned to the Building Physics and Construction Technology Laboratory with the reference SB Tool SPT_2011_4

    Improving buildings refurbishment through operative conditions evaluation

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    As EU existing buildings stock account for 40% of the total energy consumption, it is important to take measures to reduce these needs and, consequently, reduce the EU external energy dependency as well as reducing the greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with what is prescribed in the EU Directive 2002/91/EU on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EPBD) and reinforced with the "EPBD-recast". The implementation of energy efficiency measures in the existing building stock is necessary to meet the 2020 targets. Thus, energy refurbishment of existing buildings is essential to achieve these goals. However, during the buildings refurbishment, energy issues should not be the only concerns since the indoor air quality is also as important. When planning a building refurbishment it is then necessary to take into account the energy efficiency exigencies and also the indoor air quality. To do so, the main problems of the existing buildings should be identified, in order to do the right choices regarding the refurbishment project. This work presents a study carried out in a large office building to identify the main pathologies, related to the energy efficiency and also to the indoor air quality. The study encompasses an “in-situ” evaluation of the operating conditions, indoor air quality and air change rate. The main objective of this study was to support the development of a refurbishment project of the building that can optimize the energy efficiency, but also the relevant parameters to the Indoor Air Quality. The results showed that the building has a poor envelope thermal resistance, inadequate shading systems and also several problems regarding high concentration of some pollutants like CO2 or VOC